Everything you need to know about GVÖ and the take-back system - summarised on 8 pages.
Collection service for all distributors of packaging.
Free of charge, smooth and environmentally friendly.
GVÖ takes care of the collection of your packaging.
As a distributor of sales packaging filled with mineral oils, greases, radiator antifreeze, additives, and similar oil-based products, you must participate in a nationwide take-back system for sales packaging (packages).
The GVÖ take-back system can be used by all companies that distribute sales packaging containing certain products of the mineral oil industry.
Simply register online - and you will benefit from GVÖ's perfect take-back service.
Cross-brand take-back
Free of charge take-back and recovery of emptied packages
Recovery in certified waste management companies
Documentation required by law
The GVÖ take-back system works smoothly and is completely free of charge for you, because it is financed by our licence partners.
For you as a collection point, collection, verification and transport are completely free of charge.
As a sales partner or customer of a GVÖ licence partner, you can register with the GVÖ on this website.
After registration, you will receive GVÖ collection bags from us at short notice and free of charge for the storage of the cans and canisters taken back and accumulated in your business. Drums up to 65 litres are collected loose.
You collect the packages handed in by your customers as well as those used by you, after they have been carefully emptied, in the GVÖ collection bags supplied by us.
The easiest and fastest way is via our online portal.
Or you can call us: +49 40 280859-0.
The collection is usually carried out within 10 working days by a GVÖ partner. The driver acknowledges the pick-up, and you receive new GVÖ collection bags.
Keep all supporting documents carefully so that they can be presented to the competent authority upon request
The starter set contains everything you need to collect sales packaging: bags, quick fastener and collection point stickers.
Everything you need to know about GVÖ and the take-back system - summarised on 8 pages.
Included: Collection point sticker (origin of collection point) and quick fastener with which you can firmly seal the full GVÖ bags.
Clear information with collecting instructions in DIN A3 format. Hang up the poster so that it is clearly visible to your employees and nothing can go wrong.
Stick the sticker "Confirmation of collection point" on every bag and on every drum.
The containers must be separated according to plastic and sheet metal. Use two separate bags for this purpose!
The containers must be completely empty and undamaged.
After emptying the original filling material, the packaging must not contain any foreign substances such as acids, paints, pesticides or other chemicals.
All cans, canisters and drums must be tightly closed. Unsealed packaging must be disposed of as special waste (e.g. with oil filters etc.).
Close the full GVÖ bags tightly and store them in a preferably protected lying position on an oil-tight surface.
The easiest way to order a collection is via our online portal. Or give us a call.
Phone: +49 40 280859-0.
The collection takes place smoothly within 10 working days.
In order to protect the environment and reduce CO2 emissions, collection only takes place from a minimum quantity of 4 units. Please request the collection only after you have collected at least this number of full GVÖ bags or empty garage drums.
GVÖ is a community of 40 shareholders and over 200 licence partners. As a recovery company for sales packaging of the mineral oil industry, we provide nationwide collection and environmentally friendly recycling of used, completely emptied cans, containers and drums - quite simply with the GVÖ take-back system.
Collection points are all petrol stations, workshops, specialist shops and wholesale markets that sell mineral oils, greases, radiator antifreeze, additives and similar oil-based products. They are obliged to take back the empty packaging.
The GVÖ take-back system can be used by all companies that distribute products from GVÖ's licence partners. Simply register online.
As a distribution partner or customer of a GVÖ licence partner, you can register with GVÖ. You will receive the initial equipment as well as the collection bags required for the collection of the cans and canisters which accumulated in your company at short notice.
The GVÖ take-back system is completely free of charge for you as a collection point, because it is financed by our licence partners.
You collect the oil packaging handed in by your customers as well as the ones you have used, after they have been completely emptied, in the GVÖ collection bags supplied by us. In order to protect the environment and reduce CO2 emissions, collection only takes place from a minimum quantity of 4 units. The units are collected within 10 working days after receipt of the order. The number of bags or garage drums taken over is documented and receipted by the driver. You will also receive the corresponding number of new collection bags.
You can request new login data via our website.
The new German Packaging Act (VerpackG) entered into force on 01.01.2019. It obliges manufacturers or distributors who put sales packaging into circulation to also take care of its disposal. The implementation of this obligation can be taken over by a commissioned third party - for the mineral oil industry this is the GVÖ.
From which company can GVÖ collect my packaging? GVÖ is a community of 40 shareholders and over 200 licence partners. You can find detailed information on our licence partners in our list of licence partners.
Manuela Koch
GVÖ Gebinde-Verwertungsgesellschaft der
Mineralölwirtschaft mbH
Schopenstehl 20
20095 Hamburg
Telephone: +49 40 280859-0
Fax: +49 40 280859-30